5 Eylül 2019 Perşembe
To my students at the Translation Studies and also to my American Lit students,
You can now submit your work for a chance to be featured in the Fall 2019 issue's Special Feature on International Microfiction! They are looking for the best unpublished translations (into English) under 1,000 words. for more pls read: https://www.asymptotejournal.com/submit/
We’re thrilled to unveil plans for a second International Microfiction Special Feature in our Fall 2019 issue, after the success of our first, published in the Winter 2018 edition. If you’d like to be a part of the lineup, send in your best work under 1,000 English words. We’re looking for the best specimens of this genre that linger in the mind long after. Take note that this call is limited to English translations of foreign-language texts only. To inspire you, click over to some of the following pieces from our archive that speak to the power of microfiction: Pedro Novoa’s “The Dive,” László Krasznahorkai’s “I Don’t Need Anything From Here,” Rachel Shihor’s “Stalin is Dead,” A.L. Snijder’s “Animal Stories,” and Marta Zelwan’s “The Human Species.” General guidelines (see below) apply. Deadline: September 15
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