19 Nisan 2019 Cuma

“Then what is magic for?" Prince Lír demanded wildly. "What use is wizardry if it cannot save a unicorn?" He gripped the magician's shoulder hard, to keep from falling. Schmedrick did not turn his head. With a touch of sad mockery in his voice, he said, "That's what heroes are for.” ― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Motohiko Odani, http://www.phantom-limb.com/

Happy Birthday to Peter Soyer Beagle (born April 20, 1939) who is an American fantasist and author of novels, nonfiction, and screenplays. He is also a talented guitarist and folk singer. He wrote his first novel, A Fine and Private Place , when he was only 19 years old. Today he is best known as the author of The Last Unicorn, which routinely polls as one of the top ten fantasy novels of all time, and at least two of his other books (A Fine and Private Place and I See By My Outfit) are considered modern classics.
source: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1067608.Peter_S_Beagle

                                                            The Last Unicorn (1982 Movie)

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