12 Kasım 2017 Pazar


Dear Students,

The midterm test will cover the material from the last 4 classes.
Please study figure of speech, the last poems we analyzed in class and Josef Conrad’s “The Heart of Darkness”.

There will be no Make- Up or Back- Up exams for the MIDTERM.
Please come to the class or designated room ON TIME.
The results will be announced at Bilgilearn.
You are responsible to bring a pen to the test. Do not bring any paper, books, dictionary, and notes with you.
 Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the MIDTERM and the supervisor will NOT offer any interpretation of any exam question or add additional information other than the information that is explicit on your MIDTERM exam.
Prepare your ID card and Student ID for the identity check.
At the end of the exam, the test booklet will be collected. Please do not forget to write your NAME AND SURNAME.
If you finish with more than 10 minutes remaining, you may present your papers to the supervisor and leave quietly. Otherwise please remain seated and follow the instructions.
Students are strictly forbidden from adopting unfair means in the midterm test.
 If a student is detected by the supervisor while adopting or to have adopted unfair means, he/she may be given a "Fail" grade for the midterm exam or for the course at the discretion of the invigilator/the course teacher.
The exam will look like the Quiz with two additional questions.
I wish you good luck!


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