15 Mart 2020 Pazar

1,150 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, etc.


Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. The collection is divided into the following categories: Comedy & Drama; Film Noir, Horror & Hitchcock; Westerns (many with John Wayne); Martial Arts MoviesSilent FilmsDocumentaries, and Animation. We also have special collections of Oscar Winning Movies and Films by Andrei Tarkovsky and Charlie Chaplin.

for more : http://www.openculture.com/freemoviesonline

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"La poesia appartiene a chi ne ha bisogno, non a chi la scrive." - Il Postino (1994) #worldpoetryday

  Ode to the sea Here surrounding the island, There΄s sea. But what sea? It΄s always overflowing. Says yes, Then no, Then no again, And no, ...