19 Aralık 2019 Perşembe

Material for Postmodern Lit 24.12.2019

                                                                   Ina Jang

Please Print out the following Postmodern Short Stories:

1. The Rain Horse By Ted Hughes: https://isbyear11.weebly.com/uploads/1/6/2/2/16220402/rain_horse_short_story_ted_hughes.pdf

2. “The Balloon” by Donald Barthelme: https://people.unica.it/fiorenzoiuliano/files/2016/08/The-Balloon-Donald-Barthelme.pdf

3. "An Irritating Letter" by Dino Buzzatti: https://brooklynrail.org/2014/03/fiction/six-pieces-bydino-buzzati

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Fall, rosy garlands, from my head!

  pic: Cathédrale Notre-Dame September, 1819 By  William Wordsworth Departing summer hath assumed An aspect tenderly illumed, The gentlest l...