10 Aralık 2019 Salı

Happy Birthday to Emily Dickinson💜


"The love of gardening is a seed once sown, that never dies" - Gertrude Jekyll

While Emily Dickinson is most well known for her poetry today, in her lifetime she was actually better known for her gardening skills and her work as a botanical collector. An expert plant identifier, she compiled an extensive herbarium that experts believe was finished by the time she was 14 years old. Because of this, many scholars are interested to see if there are any connections between her herbarium and her poetry. This is not a far fetched idea, since Dickinson makes many references to plants in her poems. Also, at the time she was writing poetry, she was also taking Botany and Latin classes at Amherst Academy.
Discover Emily Dickinson's complete Herbarium: https://iiif.lib.harvard.edu/manifests/view/drs:4184689$1i

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