11 Kasım 2019 Pazartesi

"hitchhiking a building" by Ser Hibardiyan

From our Poetry Class WS 2019 @halicuni

art installation by Haliç Uni Interior Design students 2019

hitchhiking a building
by Ser Hibardiyan

an empty building, a steep hill
facing each other, parallel and still
a river running down, leading the way
a variety of creatures, enjoying the day
yet I ascend by the stairs, resting at each floor
legs exhausted, feet tread, they roar
in this dark room which I do not know
but a window alone no less no more
I see the sun sitting on top of the hill
trees setting stage for birds to sing and spill
the warm palette of ross ease my eyes but
here I hear the bone-chilling wind

1 yorum:

"La poesia appartiene a chi ne ha bisogno, non a chi la scrive." - Il Postino (1994) #worldpoetryday

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