27 Haziran 2020 Cumartesi

"Every bliss achieved is a masterpiece." Marguerite Yourcenar

                                                            Sculpture Igor Mitoraj

I would like to thank my student Ege Demirtaş @halicunv for sharing her articles with us.
Feel free to read "Godot’yu Beklerken" at http://www.mevzuedebiyat.com/godotyu-beklerken/ and "Uluma: Amerikan Rüyası’nın Kabusundan Amerikan Efsanesine Dönüş" at http://www.mevzuedebiyat.com/uluma-amerikan-ruyasinin-kabusundan-amerikan-efsanesine-donus/

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Yorum Gönder

"La poesia appartiene a chi ne ha bisogno, non a chi la scrive." - Il Postino (1994) #worldpoetryday

  Ode to the sea Here surrounding the island, There΄s sea. But what sea? It΄s always overflowing. Says yes, Then no, Then no again, And no, ...