28 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe



Dear students,
My exams will be held in the second week of the Final Exam week. I think that will be much better for you since you won't be so overloaded with exams.
I will post your exam on e-öğrenme,
you will find them in the last week called "FINAL".
The questions will be there for ONE day.

BUT YOU CAN ENTER THE EXAM ONLY ONE TIME. You cannot re-open the exam that you have finished.

When you open the questions you will have approximately 12.5 min for each question.
You will always see 1 question after the other.
There will be 4 questions 25p, total duration for 50 min.

Please do not panic. Read the questions carefully.
Do not copy-paste!

the date and time table is as follows:

Survey of English Literature - 18.00/  08.06.2020

Survey of American Literature 17.00/  08.06.2020

Gothic Literature 17.00/   09.06.2020

Short Story 16.00/    09.06.2020

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