16 Nisan 2020 Perşembe

ANNOUNCEMENT @ayvasarayuni


Dear students I will post your exam question on e-öğrenme,
you will find them on the week for 20 April-26 April.

The questions will be there for THREE DAYS.
You can enter the Exam whenever you want until the end of the three days.
BUT YOU CAN ENTER THE EXAM ONLY ONE TIME. You cannot re-open the exam that you have finished.
When you open the questions you will have 10 min for each questions.
You will always see 1 question after the other.
There will be 4 questions 25p, total duration 40 min.

Please look at the material of the last 4 Weeks.

We will continue with our Lessons during the exam week.

1. Ders Kodu: ELL102
Ders Adı: Survey of English Literature -  19.50 /    20.04.2020 – 23.04.2020

2. Ders Kodu: ELL202
Ders Adı: Survey of American Literature 17.20 /    20.04.2020- 23.04.2020

3. Ders Kodu: ELL411
Ders Adı: Gothic Literature 17.20 /   21.04.2020- 24.04.2020

4. Ders Kodu: ELL104
Ders Adı: Short Story 16.30 /    21.04.2020 – 24.04.2020

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