31 Ekim 2018 Çarşamba

Ein guter Reisender hat keine festen Pläne und denkt nicht ans Ankommen. - Lao Tzu

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Lao Tzu: Tao te ching: a book about the way and the power of the way/a new English version by
Ursula K. Le Guin, with J. P. Seaton

You can find Lao Tzu's text here:


Nothing in the world
is as soft, as weak, as water;
nothing else can wear away
the hard, the strong,
and remain unaltered.
Soft overcomes hard,
weak overcomes strong.
Everybody knows it,
nobody uses the knowledge.
So the wise say:
By bearing common defilements
you become a sacrificer at the altar of earth;
by bearing common evils
you become a lord of the world.
Right words sound wrong.

Keeping the contract

After a great enmity is settled
some enmity always remains.
How to make peace?
Wise souls keep their part of the contract
and don’t make demands on others.
People whose power is real fulfill their obligations;
people whose power is hollow insist on their claims.
The Way of heaven plays no favorites.
It stays with the good.

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