8 Ağustos 2018 Çarşamba

"Orientalism" a Postcolonial Theory Approach

Dear Students,

Another term that reappears through our reading sessions is "postcolonialism". It is possible to claim that “colonialism was a matter of representation” (McLeod 2007: 5). While postcolonial theory is a critical approach dealing with literal works (constructed in countries that were or are colonies of other countries) they are also concerned with literature written in or by citizens of colonizing countries that sets colonies or the colonized peoples in their literal presentations.

for a short intro you may want to read "An Introduction to Post-Colonialism, Post-colonial Theory and Post-colonial Literature":

A major work is Edward Said’s de-construction of “the Oriental” in Western imagination. In his book Orientalism, Said elaborates from the foucaultian notion of “discourse” and “discursive practices”(1978). He points at colonialism from the coloniser’s perspective dissecting his way of seeing and interpreting the world in what he calls “colonial discourse”.


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