25 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

Living in Diaspora

Nilüfer Bharucha points out in her work Imagined Worlds: Salman Rushdie as a Writer of the Indian Diaspora, “[l]iving in diaspora means living in forced or voluntary exile and living in exile usually leads to severe identity confusion and problems of identification with an alienation from the old and new cultures and homelands” (70). "Alienaton", "Exile", "Migration","Otherness" are not only recurring themes and key words constructing the fundamentals of Diaspora Literature, but are also considered as leitmotifs in many other literal works.

For those who are interested in Diaspora Literature, this essay may well be a nice introduction, titled "Metaphors of Diaspora: English Literature at the Turn of the Century" by Fernando Galvan:

                                      Yang Hae-gue "Diaspora" at Haus der Kunst in Munich 2013

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