30 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

The Eagle

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

5 yorum:

  1. I think its about a lonely eagle, which has nothing except nature. That poem is dramatic and in reminds me an old photograph. Canberk.

  2. The poem tells us about how eagles hunt.The poet wrote eagles hunting habits in an artistic language.When I read this poem,I thought about how eagles hunt.I was imagining the poem in my head.I think the poet wrote the poem very beautifully.I really like the poem.

    Adrianna STUHR

  3. I think this poem is about an eagle who protects his badlands. He is awake for any danger. He watches, he waits for a coming menace. He is ready for danger, he can attack quickly no matter what because he is willing to fight for his honor, his family or what is he protecting.

    Su Acioglu

  4. In my opinion, the poem's about a specific eagle. I think it may be a bald eagle (the symbol of the USA) . And it says that, the eagle is free, and it's so strong that it can do everything. Like getting close to lonely lands, or watch the azure world from his mountain walls. Also the poem mentions that, he flies so fast like a thunderbolt. I think the poem is trying to tell us about America's strength.

    Simay Leblebici

  5. The poem's means a specific eagle's attiude.They can watch mountain walls 'cause they can fly so high and I think flying is so amazing..I liked that and I feel like an eagle myself when I read this poem..

    Aleyna Sahintas


"La poesia appartiene a chi ne ha bisogno, non a chi la scrive." - Il Postino (1994) #worldpoetryday

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