for more pls check:
30 Temmuz 2020 Perşembe
29 Temmuz 2020 Çarşamba
Love life day by day, color by color, touch by touch. —Sylvia Plath
"As I stared down at Constantin the way you stare down at a bright, unattainable
pebble at the bottom of a deep well, his eyelids lifted and he looked through me, and his
eyes were full of love. I watched dumbly as a shutter of recognition clicked across the
blur of tenderness and the wide pupils went glossy and depthless as patent leather. "
you can find the whole novel "The Bell Jar" by Syvia Plath here:
24 Temmuz 2020 Cuma
"Wisdom begins in wonder" - Socrates
Eric Meier, Diktat
To my ACL and Anglistic Students,
If you are interested in classic greek mythology and philosophy you may want to check the texts written by Yusuf Ziya Hayırcıl. Enjoy.
Cracked Stones:
How did Zeus Die?:
Wisdom begins in Wonder:
23 Temmuz 2020 Perşembe
17 Temmuz 2020 Cuma
Announcement: Submissions are open now!
Dear Students,
2021 APR/Honickman First Book Prize will be judged by
@adalimon. The Honickman has jumpstarted the careers of some of our favorite voices in poetry. If you are interested pls go to and for Submissions visit
15 Temmuz 2020 Çarşamba
“You are summer to my winter heart” - Gemma Troy
The Sun is Out, Tommy Bruce, 2015
Figures Within Figures
--- Red Painting by Therese Kovach
Two Figures Many Figures
Figures within figures
Lakes within Oceans
Green within Blue
Purple Jazz in Background
Orange sunset nocturnal
Playland Prism
Fragmented Fragments
Purple and Green
Within You Hold
the Frame and
Dance while the
Piano plays balladlike
in background and
the ceiling fan
scent of fog
spins through
Pale Blue center
water reflecting orangehued sunset purple
charcoal clouds and
seagulls call
the colors shadow
the figures
as they stand
with each other
thought balloons
prismatic reflections
a NeoCubist
filtered through
Pollock's pourings
the shifting
in the mind's
eye and
heart soul
as the music
extends time
into eternity
for more on beat-poetry go to:
10 Temmuz 2020 Cuma
„La poesía produce una soledad tan bella…“ - Alejandra Pizarnik
Alejandra Pizarnik was born in Buenos Aires to Russian Jewish immigrant parents. She studied philosophy and literature at the University of Buenos Aires before dropping out to pursue painting and her own poetry. In 1960, she moved to Paris, where she befriended writers such as Octavio Paz, Julio Cortázar, and Silvina Ocampo. Considered one of mid-century Argentina’s most powerful and intense lyric poets, Pizarnik counted among her influences Hölderlin and, as she wrote in “The Incarnate Word,” an essay from 1965, “the suffering of Baudelaire, the suicide of Nerval, the premature silence of Rimbaud, the mysterious and fleeting presence of Lautréamont,” and the “unparalleled intensity” of Artaud’s “physical and moral suffering.” Pizarnik’s themes were cruelty, childhood, estrangement, and death. According to Emily Cooke, Pizarnik “was perennially mistrustful of her medium, seeming sometimes more interested in silence than in language, and the poetic style she cultivated was terse and intentionally unbeautiful.” Her work has continually attracted new readers since her suicide at age 36.
Pizarnik published several books of poetry during her lifetime, including: La tierra más ajena (1955), La última inocencia (1956), Las aventuras perdidas (1958), Árbol de Diana (1960), Extracción de la piedra de locura (1968), and El infierno musical (1971). She also published the prose essay “La condesa sangrienta” (1971), a meditation on a 16th-century Hungarian countess allegedly responsible for the torture and murder of more than 600 girls. Pizarnik’s work has been translated into English in the collections Alejandra Pizarnik: Selected Poems (translated by Cecilia Rossi, 2010) and Extracting the Stone of Madness (translated by Yvette Siegert, 2016).
8 Temmuz 2020 Çarşamba
ANNOUNCEMENT ! To my students at Translation Studies: Ph.D. Collegium
Dear Students,
Those who are interested may want to join and listen to the Ph.D. Collegium. Especially, senior students are welcomed to listen for further ideas on translation studies.
4 Temmuz 2020 Cumartesi
Blauer Zufall am Horizont! Und meine begeisterten Augen Weiten sich wieder und blinken und brennen sich wund. -Bachmann
Ed van der Elsken
Ingeborg Bachmann (25 June 1926 - 17 October 1973) was an Austrian poet, dramatist, and novelist, a leading voice in post-war German literature. She spent some time as a visiting scholar at Harvard University in the United States.
» Schöner als der beachtliche Mond und sein geadeltes Licht,
Schöner als die Sterne, die berühmten Orden der Nacht,
Viel schöner als der feurige Auftritt eines Kometen
Und zu weit Schönrem berufen als jedes andre Gestirn,
Weil dein und mein Leben jeden Tag an ihr hängt, ist die Sonne.
Schöne Sonne, die aufgeht, ihr Werk nicht vergessen hat
und beendet, am schönsten im Sommer, wenn ein Tag
An den Küsten verdampft und ohne Kraft gespiegelt die Segel
Über dein Aug ziehn, bis du müde wirst und das letzte verkürzt.
Ohne die Sonne nimmt auch die Kunst wieder den Schleier,
Du erscheinst mir nicht mehr, und die See und der Sand,
Von Schatten gepeitscht, fliehen unter mein Lid.
Schönes Licht, das uns warm hält, bewahrt und wunderbar sorgt,
Daß ich wieder sehe und daß ich dich wiederseh!
Nichts Schönres unter der Sonne als unter der Sonne zu sein …
Nichts Schönres als den Stab im Wasser zu sehn und den Vogel oben,
Der seinen Flug überlegt, und unten die Fische im Schwarm,
Gefärbt, geformt, in die Welt gekommen mit einer Sendung von Licht,
Und den Umkreis zu sehn, das Geviert eines Felds, das Tausendeck meines Lands
Und das Kleid, das du angetan hast! Und dein Kleid, glockig und blau!
Schönes Blau, in dem die Pfauen spazieren und sich verneigen,
Blau der Fernen, der Zonen des Glücks mit den Wettern für mein Gefühl,
Blauer Zufall am Horizont! Und meine begeisterten Augen
Weiten sich wieder und blinken und brennen sich wund.
Schöne Sonne, der vom Staub noch die größte Bewundrung gebührt,
Drum werde ich nicht wegen dem Mond und den Sternen und nicht,
Weil die Nacht mit Kometen prahlt und in mir einen Narren sucht,
Sondern deinetwegen und bald endlos und wie um nichts sonst
Klage führen über den unabwendbaren Verlust meiner Augen. «
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