30 Haziran 2018 Cumartesi
25 Haziran 2018 Pazartesi
To Ist Bilgi,
Please take notes for the MakeUP Final:
ELT 202- SANTRAL S(SA-105) - 27.06.2018- 13.00
I am not going to be at this exam, so be patient, read the questions, try to answer considering your own thoughts.
If you have any questions: gulrenk.doga@gmail.com
wish you the best
Please take notes for the MakeUP Final:
ELT 202- SANTRAL S(SA-105) - 27.06.2018- 13.00
I am not going to be at this exam, so be patient, read the questions, try to answer considering your own thoughts.
If you have any questions: gulrenk.doga@gmail.com
wish you the best
21 Haziran 2018 Perşembe
Do not forget to read!!!
Dear Students,
Please do not forget to read.
And play with the knowledge you have gained.
Do a reading like an expert.
Enjoy and see beyond !
20 Haziran 2018 Çarşamba
16 Haziran 2018 Cumartesi
11 Haziran 2018 Pazartesi
To IST -BILGI ELT Students
Dear Ist Bilgi Students,
It was my pleasure to introduce you English and American Literature.
I enjoyed your brilliant thoughts and interest in the lecture.
And I really do appreciate your nice and cute e-mails.
Thanks so much.
6 Haziran 2018 Çarşamba
for more confessional poetry
she is as much as shocking and wonderful as plath.
1 Haziran 2018 Cuma
Dear Ist-Bilgi ELT Students,
I have entered your grades into Bilgi-Sis.
Please check you grades before I sign them.
I have entered your grades into Bilgi-Sis.
Please check you grades before I sign them.
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