20 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

about the next class


I know that a lot of you have problems reading Stoker's Dracula. So I suggest that you read until chapter 20. And we will finish this novel until the Mid Term.


19 Mart 2017 Pazar

Word appearing in Romanian Gothic Literature

Dor: (noun) a deep and nostalgic feeling of sadness, agony and emptiness experienced upon  intensely missing, longing and yarning for something or someone.

16 Mart 2017 Perşembe

The bloody Duchess

Those who are interested in other bloody stories can watch the film of "The Countess".


3 Mart 2017 Cuma

DRACULA: Romantic, Gothic, Horror Story

Dear Students,

Since you are familiar with the "Twilight Saga" I thought we should analyze the original vampire story "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

Please read the first 200 pages of "Dracula" until 9.03.2017. You can find the book as PDF version here: 
or if you want to purchase it as a published book you can get the Macmillan Version from Homerkitapevi  in Beyoğlu:

PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THE FILM: I am not going to prepare the Midterm questions from the movies.

Enjoy the book!


"La poesia appartiene a chi ne ha bisogno, non a chi la scrive." - Il Postino (1994) #worldpoetryday

  Ode to the sea Here surrounding the island, There΄s sea. But what sea? It΄s always overflowing. Says yes, Then no, Then no again, And no, ...